The journey to RePello's innovative toys

Children are the ultimate play experts in the known Universe. But their toys are designed and manufactured by adults who usually have a very distorted understanding of children's play. We wanted to correct this and have taken a journey to the very nature of children's move and play. We have observed how children play, researched the properties of different materials and technologies, and run (quite humanistic) experiments on our own children :)

The result is an innovative toy concept that respects children's needs and develops motor skills in the most natural way. Great Czech designers have also taken care of the high aesthetic value of the products, so that children develop a sense of beauty and harmony from a young age.

And what about the children themselves? Whether they enjoy the uplifting feeling of spiritual growth, we don't know. Probably not :) But once they play with our toys, no one will be able to take them away from them! That's proof for us that RePello toys are designed right for them.

Who is behind the design of our toys

Jiří Marján, the founder of RePello, was already concerned with the engineering of bicycles during his studies at the Technical University in Liberec. In his PhD thesis titled "Human-powered propulsion" he researched, among other aspects, the suspension, the ergonomics of the seat and the efficiency of the drive. He also participated in a number of projects for Czech bicycle brands. He has proposed how suspension systems can be improved and even coached engineers on how to use the physical laws in bicycle design to maximum benefit. 

Little Josephine was born and with her came the idea for the first toy

After the birth of his daughter, Jiří decided to use his knowledge and experience to develop a balance bike on which little Josephine could take her first rides through the countryside. And because parents will always do what's best for their children, the Model J™ was born. A balance bike that is far ahead of other products on the market in terms of ride quality, ergonomics and safety. Jiří patented this unique toy and started its production to bring joy to other children (and their parents).

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